Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tracing Dots

The topographs were slightly boring at first, but then I learned how to create images within them and then they somehow became intresting and I couldn't stop working on them.

Art = Pain

This is only one of the few injuries I have received doing the required art projects. This happened when I was making the cardboard spheres on the floor of my apartment and my blade slide and got me in the toe. This photo was taken before the cut turned blue, but I think that would have really grossed people out. Dont worry, my toe is fine, and it doesnt hurt to wear a shoe anymore. This should a warning to all to be careful with your tools. ^^


The dots felt like I was making a large domino. They were intresting and somthing different than what I am used to doing a normal art class, but this isnt a normal art class so expect the unexpected. When comparing my dots to others, I realized I have alot of bad habits such as clustering and each space between the dots were almost the same. I also like to mirror things.


The cardboard spheres were messy and surprisingly took longer to make than I anticipated. I spent about a grand total of 3-4 hours working on them and probably didnt even come to making them look good. Cardboard does not want to be anything else than a box. It is hard to shape the material into what you want it to be.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

First Day of WASH

The first day of WASH was not what I expected. I never really thought about making clothes or accessories out of newspaper. I've always been used to sewing and welding objects that I didn't really know what to do with such a flimsy material such as paper. Then I get the announcement that we were going to be modeling our outfit in a mini-fashion show. Being outgoing is not something I can do right away, but I somehow went through with it. Then I spent time with my table mates to make a sound out of value. We ended up saying cha-ching because we couldn't think of anything else.